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No matter what floor treatments you have at home, you will find the following tips to be of great help to you. They cover important topics in the field of carpet cleaning and everyone can take advantage of them easily and quickly. Read them with care now and apply them correctly to enjoy awesome results.

Great Carpet Cleaning Services Available 24/7

Do you want to keep your oriental rugs forever? Read these smart tips and learn how to maintain them.
Find out about the beauty of rugs and where they would look lovely. Also learn how to remove stains effectively.

Oriental rugs are not for residential use only

Persian rugs would look beautiful and add great finesse to every room but we avoid placing them just anywhere because they are sensitive. Specialists at Carpet Cleaning Malibu suggest avoiding placing them in high traffic areas but they would certainly look lovely in your private office, in the conference room, in an antique store or a boutique. Oriental rugs would make a difference.

Rugs are not only for living rooms

Oriental rugs would look great everywhere, even in a big bathroom. Have you tried them on the deck of the terrace! They would add elegance in just any floor including your private office, a beauty salon or a tiny shop. You can make great impression to clients with your extraordinary reception hall or place small Persian rugs in the restroom to impress your guests.

Remove stains immediately

Stains won't only make your carpets look bad but they will eventually attract microorganisms or create mold. These particles are dangerous for the human health and your pets. So, it is recommended by Carpet Cleaning Malibu to remove stains as soon as possible. Natural products will be good for your health, too, especially if you walk barefoot.

Do a general cleaning

To avoid getting the carpet dirty all the time, clean the rest of the house as well after you have done your carpet cleaning. According to our specialists, if the walls and furniture have collected dust, it is very easy for the dust and dirt to find their way to your carpet. Carpet cleaning should be accompanied by general cleaning.

Dry extraction method

When working with professionals at carpet cleaning company in Malibu, you can choose between water and dry extraction. While the latter lessens the risk of overly wetting the carpet, the chemicals and machines used are more expensive than those used in water extraction. So take into account the overall cost when choosing which method to use.


Have any questions about having your carpets cleaned? Need more information? Leave your contact information below and one of our experts will get back to you shortly.


When you hire our professional cleaners - your satisfaction is guaranteed! Our company provides only safe, pet friendly, and highly professional cleaning services and solutions.

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Feb 11, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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